Conceal Carry vs. Reckless Carry
We have all been there, a mall, a grocery store, walking down the street and seen it. Someone who is “concealed carrying”, but open carrying. It can be awkward and even dangerous. I have talked with people in this situation in many different venues and gotten many different points of view, but I want to set the record straight. Concealed Carry is just that “concealed”. I have seen guys opening carrying before like they are John Wayne. It doesn’t make you look cool or sexy it makes you look like an idiot. The reasons people carry are numerous, but the most prevalent is for protection. Most people carry to protect themselves against a criminal trying to harm them; whatever the reason you carry concealed it is advantageous that you keep concealment so a criminal or other people in general don’t know you are carrying a firearm. Appearing to be another defenseless citizen amongst the thousands of unarmed Americans walking down the street or residing in your home is a tactical edge. If you are consistently broadcasting you have a firearm you will make yourself a target. If there is a violent criminal in a public setting and he or she wants to do harm to others you will be their first target because you are armed. If someone is looking for a residence to burglarize they may choose one they know has guns because they want to steal them. Some may disagree and say well the criminal would skip my house for fear of being shot. That has some validity to it, but that depends on you being awake and being able to retrieve you’re firearm before a criminal reaches you.
Open carry is a right in my opinion, but one that shouldn’t be abused and requires constant vigilance on the carrier. As I said previously open carrying does make you a target. Take this picture. This guy is open carrying in a restaurant, but he isn’t paying attention, his holster appears to be a fobus with no retention other than friction and it’s sticking way out behind him. This picture makes me laugh. I could walk right by him to pay my bill and pull his gun right out and have it in his back. This is what I call reckless carry.
If you must open carry which I admit there are some scenarios where it’s better; you need to use a safe and reliable holster. The Serpa line from Blackhawk uses a very design where you have to press a button to release the weapon from the holster. For outside the waistband I recommend this holster series or and level 2+ retention systems from Galco.

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