I think that its advantageous for businesses to allow people to carry and I'll tell you why. With the US economy in some of the worst condition its being in since the late 1920's people are resorting more and more to crime; petty theft to armed robbery. Good businesses and people are the victims of this crime. Another result of the economy especially in Cincinnati, Ohio (my hometown) police officers have been laid off leaving more areas of concern not patrolled at all or with large gaps of time between patrols. Most districts have promoted Concealed Carry as a great option for people to protect themselves and property; because frankly police are unable to maintain a presence like they use to and respond as quickly.
CCW holders and civilians are not police officers! Let me clear that up right away, but as a citizen you not only have right, but a responsibility to help someone who is hurt or being attacked or threatened. Obviously you always have to option to be a great witness and not get involved, but if a criminal is robbing a person or business with a firearm and threatening to kill people you are authorized to use deadly force. I hope no one is ever put in this position, but I am realistic. I am a firm believer in "Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness" if some criminal wants to take those things from me with violence he will loose.
College Campuses have anti-concealed carry. I have been reading a lot on colleges who allow lawful concealed carry and none of them have had missing or stolen guns, misfires, or disputes that ended in a hail of bullets. After instances like NIU and VT legal concealed carry should be a no brainier.
This article is very enlightening- (http://www.soderstrome.com/2010/08/24/gun-free-campuses-endanger-students/)
**I am not saying everyone needs a gun, because there are people out there who cannot own a firearm due to mental or physical disabilities, also people who are criminally ineligible due to choices they made in the past.**